Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Daily Writing Assignment - Paragraph Description & Preview of Our Next Class

Below is an example of standard MLA format. The only difference is that I added "descriptive paragraph" to designate what it is you're writing, to specify. I've adapted the assignment on the top of page 155. Rather than write 3 paragraph, just write ONE GOOD DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH on one of the topics suggested. Make sure you print your paragraph & you're done for the day.

Your Name

Mrs. S. Aiken

English 1101 – descriptive paragraph

August 25, 2009

A ________

Try to use all your senses in your description:


It may sound odd to begin with . . . but give it a try. Aim for roughly a half page paragraph.

THEN . . . print it out!

Go to File – Select Print –
IF you are in H/SS 124, MAKE SURE THE PRINTER IS SET ON m124-lpt1
If you are at JCHS, hand in your paper, & if you're in PSC 107, copy and paste to your blog.

Make sure you read pages 117-143 before our next class. We will continue to discuss the use of description AND prepare to begin your first essay.

1 comment:

  1. My First Day On The Job

    My first day on the job was one year ago when i started working for AJ. I am a CNA, so when the company I worked for sent me to go meet AJ and his mother I was very nervous. I knew he was a 25 year old with Cerebal Palsey and he was in a wheel chair. I had never worked for someone with this kind of disability. Working for Aj has been the best and most rewarding job I have ever had.
    When I got to his apartment they were both very nice so it made more comfortable , but there were many things I needed to learn on how to take care of him. Despite all that I knew we were going to get along just fine. Even though AJ is in a wheelchair he wants to be just like the rest of us and do things just like we want to do.
    I figured we would become close friends when I saw he loved horses. I have a friend in Pineview who owns a horse farm and trains horses for people with disabilities. That next weekend I took AJ out to the farm. Well, him and Mr. Ron kicked it right off. AJ loved all the horses and little animals at the farm. The next weekend we had AJ on a horse. He had the biggest smile from ear to ear. AJ loves journalism, so I helped AJ write an article and it was soon published in three different newspapers. After that the ministry of Sassy Saddles Gate of Hope Ministries went into high gear. We got donation after donation. What a great feeling of accomplishment. Since that first day we became permanent fixtures on the farm. AJ now has his own horse named Rascal Flats.


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